Why Is Selling A House Stressful?

Out of curiosity, I asked multiple friends what would they ask an agent if they were to sell a house. "Why is selling a house stressful?" is the frequently asked question so I decided on today's blog to answer this.

The number one reason why sellers find it stressful to sell a house is because of the number of factors that is out of their control and their agent's control. When things doesn't go as planned, it can leave you feeling anxious and stressed. Believe me, I feel it too. I just hide it better because it is my job to be objective and not to cause you any more stress than you have to. When selling a home, fear, stress and anxiety is a product of unanswered question. Here's what you do. 

First, don't look for the worst case scenario before it happens. It will drive you crazy. Why are you worrying about things that hasn't happened yet? It is an unnecessary stress you put on your self and you have an agent for that. Seriously, let us worry about it. Before you've even thought about it, your agent has proactively thought of ways to negotiate should certain situations occur. 

Secondly, the sooner you understand that the market is what dictates the price of your home, the less stressful you will be. You want to sell the house for the best price possible. So do agents. As an agent, here's what I usually do for my sellers. I send them a weekly update of what's active, what's pending and what sold in the area. That way, you know who your competitions are and what the homes are selling for. This takes care of your fear of selling your house for less. You'll have a better understanding of what's happening in the market. 

Thirdly, do not worry about buyers. I don't know a single agent who doesn't require a preapproval letter when submitting an offer. I go a step further and ask for proof of funds and buyer cross-qualification if seller is okay with that. As an agent, I want to make sure that the buyer has indeed been preapproved before we take your property off the market. This usually put a seller's mind at ease. Also, negotiating with a buyer is normal. Agents' goal is to, #1, sell the house and #2, to make our clients happy. Don't let your fear lose your focus on the goal and definitely do not make decisions based on fear.

Next, don't stressed out about keeping your house clean for tours and open houses. We'll take care of that too. We can ask for two hour notice for showings at a minimum so you can clean up a bit, find a place for your pets and you can take care of what you need to take care of prior to showing. We can even set showings at specific days and time if that works better for you.  Bottom line is, do not sweat the small stuff. 

To the biggest worry of them all, clients worry that the transaction will fall through. In a perfect real estate home selling world, every transaction goes smoothly and every escrow will close. It happens, just not all the time. It fails when seller and buyer cannot agree on the repairs or appraisal may have come in low, the house needs too much work or loan didn't go through. Agents will advise accordingly to keep this transaction going but the ultimate decision lays on you. Again, the goal is to sell the house AND to make you happy. Here's the good news, there's always a buyer out there willing to buy your house.

Finally, do not be afraid to ask questions. That's what your agent is for. When you're unsure, ask questions. When you don't understand, ask questions. When something's bothering you, ask questions. Getting an answer to your question might help minimize your stress. 

Selling a house doesn't have to be stressful if you focus less on the uncertainty and more on the goal.

With that, I leave you with a quote from Tony Dungy:

"You can't always control circumstances. However, you can always control your attitude, approach and response. Your options are to complain or to look ahead and figure out how to make the situation better."


If you or someone you know is looking to own, sell or invest in real estate in Canyon Lake - Menifee area and the surrounding cities, I'd love to help! 

Angela Carpio, Realtor






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