Tips When Looking At Homes (From A Realtor)


As a home buyer, you are going to be excited and anxious and overwhelmed among other things. You will have all the feelings, I guarantee it. It is an agent's job to make things a little bit easier for you. Here are tips I give my clients when touring homes to make it less stressful for them. 


Look At Maximum of 5 Homes At a Time

From the list your agent sent you, pick your top 5 and stick to it. After the third showing, you will get so overwhelmed that you most likely will forget what the previous homes look like. You will probably won't remember the things that you like about them nor the things you do not like. You do not want to waste your time looking at homes just so you can say you saw them all. Focus on the ones that fit your wants and need. This allows you to save your time (and gas and money) on the weekend and be able to still spend some valuable time with your family and friends. This would also help you not hate the home buying process. 


Take Notes

The best way to weigh the pros and cons of each houses you looked at is to take notes. They may not allow video recording of the home and if that is the case, your best bet is to write down notes, or use your phone to audio record observations. Your agent may ask for your input which will help them (and you) really understand what it is you are looking for. 


Always Consider Yourself Being Audio and Video Recorded

I am not lawyer. I am not sure how the law works with regards to audio and video recording in the State of California. Having said that, assume you are being audio and video recorded when looking at homes. Usually sellers will have a notice of surveillance anyway but you never know. If you are going to make an offer, do not discuss it inside the house. You do not want the sellers to "eavesdrop" on your strategy. Also, sellers do not want to hear the things you did not like about their home. If your offer gets accepted, you do not want to start on a negative vibe. 


Skip The Baby and Family Pictures and Other Personal Items

Babies are cute, yes they are but you are there to look at the home. Do not waste your time on their personal property. Focus your energy to figure out if that home is right for you. Where in that house would you fit your antique cabinet? Visualize where your furniture are going to fit. Is the backyard big enough for your pool? Do not mind the distractions. 


Other tips worth noting...


Do Not Open and Close Personal Properties

Cabinets and drawers are one thing. Dressers and free standing furniture, please leave those alone. Be respectful of someone else's property just like you would want someone to be respectful of yours. It is NOT your house yet. Especially if there is video surveillance, sellers see everything. 


Do Not Bring Pets (Or Food) Inside The House

This happened to a colleague of mine. Her client brought their dog and dog pooped inside the home. This dog is not a service dog by the way (I asked!) She about lost her mind. She had to come back and clean it up because it was a vacant property. There were no cleaning materials around. Accidents happen I get it. But some accidents can be avoided and if it can be avoided, it's best that its avoided (Wow, that's a lot of avoided). Plus, if someone in the house is allergic to hair or fur, then what? You could potentially hurt someone. This is not true for service animals by the way. No one is allowed to discriminate against people with service animals, ever.


Looking at homes can be fun if you follow these tips. Good luck and happy house hunting!









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