
Showing posts from June, 2020

3 Common Misconceptions About Real Estate Agents

3 Common Misconceptions About Real Estate Agents A colleague of mine was watching a video on YouTube and I asked her what she was watching. She showed me this episode of "Actor & Actor Answer The Web's Most Searched Questions" and out of curiosity, I googled what people have been asking about real estate agents and questions such as "Why are real estate agents so rich?" and "What real estate agents do?" and "When real estate agents lie?" came up. I wasn't really taken aback because these are questions I've been asked before by people who's had a bad experience with a different agent before or by someone who just didn't know any better. I see these questions as opportunities to educate clients, friends, family and everybody else on what it is I do and address some misconceptions about agents. So, in today's blog, I want to discuss three common misconceptions about real estate agents.  #1. Real Estate Agents Make Lots of...

Why Is Selling A House Stressful?

Out of curiosity, I asked multiple friends what would they ask an agent if they were to sell a house. "Why is selling a house stressful?" is the frequently asked question so I decided on today's blog to answer this. The number one reason why sellers find it stressful to sell a house is because of the number of factors that is out of their control and their agent's control. When things doesn't go as planned, it can leave you feeling anxious and stressed. Believe me, I feel it too. I just hide it better because it is my job to be objective and not to cause you any more stress than you have to. When selling a home, fear, stress and anxiety is a product of unanswered question. Here's what you do.  First, don't look for the worst case scenario before it happens. It will drive you crazy. Why are you worrying about things that hasn't happened yet? It is an unnecessary stress you put on your self and you have an agent for that. Seriously, let us worry about it...

5 Things You Shouldn't Do Before Buying A House

As a real estate professional, I get asked this question a lot. It is good information to know before buying a house and something you have to remember while on the process of purchasing one. The last thing you want to do is jeopardize the purchase of your new home when it could've easily been prevented.  Here are the top 5 answers I give my clients when asked what they shouldn't do before buying a house: Don't miss loan payment. Missed payments will affect your credit score negatively. Good credit score is one of the many factors required by lenders in order to loan you money. They also want to know that you can pay your commitments and pay them on time.  Don't buy a new car. It's not about the car, it's about your auto loan monthly payments. You could have a $20,000 car with a monthly payment of $500. That's $500 a month that is added to your liabilities that could affect your purchasing power. You want to keep your debt-to-income ratio low if you want to ...