3 Common Misconceptions About Real Estate Agents

3 Common Misconceptions About Real Estate Agents A colleague of mine was watching a video on YouTube and I asked her what she was watching. She showed me this episode of "Actor & Actor Answer The Web's Most Searched Questions" and out of curiosity, I googled what people have been asking about real estate agents and questions such as "Why are real estate agents so rich?" and "What real estate agents do?" and "When real estate agents lie?" came up. I wasn't really taken aback because these are questions I've been asked before by people who's had a bad experience with a different agent before or by someone who just didn't know any better. I see these questions as opportunities to educate clients, friends, family and everybody else on what it is I do and address some misconceptions about agents. So, in today's blog, I want to discuss three common misconceptions about real estate agents. #1. Real Estate Agents Make Lots of...