When Is A Good Time To Buy A House?

Who doesn't want a good deal? You want the most bang for your buck and I understand it which is why you're asking the question "When is it a good time to buy a house?" The answer is WHENEVER YOU'RE READY! We are in the middle of pandemic. If you're high-risk, are you going to be okay touring homes right now? You'll be in and out of strangers' home. Some people care and some people don't. Yes, you can use technology to your advantage but most buyers want to see the house they want to buy in person. Only you can answer that. Is your job secured? If you are one of the many people concerned about losing your job, do you think it would be a good idea to shop for homes right now? Job security means income stability. Income stability that would allow you to keep your home once you've purchased it. I would love to get you into your new home of course, but I want you to be sure that it is the right decision for you and more importantly, I want you to b...