Canyon Lake Fishing

Can you fish in Canyon Lake? The answer is yes. Fishing is another reason to love living in Canyon Lake. With 500 acres of water, this well-stocked lake has a reputation as one of the best fishing lakes in the area. Crappies, bluegills, red ear sunfish, catfish and bass are among the resident fishes of the lake. You can be sure to find a good fishing spot when living in the lake but be sure to keep this few reminders when fishing. Fishing License Required: Be sure to have your California State fishing license with you at all times. Community Patrol and/or Marine Patrol will check for permits and compliance of fishing rules. Where to Fish: Fishing is NOT ALLOWED off of the Main Causeway (East and West side) Fishing is NOT ALLOWED off of the North Causeway (North and South side) between both parking lot entries Fishing is NOT ALLOWED off of the Treasure Island Causeway. Fishing is also prohibited from all common docks when boats and / or swimmers are present. Guest...